Sunday School Department

The Sunday school is a divinely ordained institution comprised of a fellowship of believers for the purpose of glorifying God, evangelizing the world and the edification of believers.


  1. To provide our primary customers with an environment conducive to spiritual development, moral excellence, soul winning skills and effectiveness, real Christian fellowship, crisis therapy, practical life skills, social responsibility, and the exercise of their spiritual gifts.
  2. To attract those who are not saved to the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ. To aide, encourage and strengthen them during the early critical stages of life as a Believer.
  3. To receive those who are already Christians in such a way that they will be totally pleased with their decision, and quickly feel that they are an intricate part of the congregation’s life.
  4. To keep accurate records of member attendance including new members.
  5. To provide training for to those desiring to be teachers.
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